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Honda Power SSHHLCHedge Trimmer (Long) Attachment
The Long Hedge Trimmer Attachment (SSHHL) is part of the Honda exclusive VersAttachTM System. It pairs with both the UMC425 and UMC435 Powerheads.
Effortlessly trims and shapes hedges, bushes and shrubs
Safe and secure SureLoc System - easy to connect
Long shaft, double-sided and double reciprocating blade with total articulating range of 108
Handy attachment hook for simple storage
The Long Hedge Trimmer Attachment (SSHHL) is part of the Honda exclusive VersAttachTM System. It pairs with both the UMC425 and UMC435 Powerheads.
Effortlessly trims and shapes hedges, bushes and shrubs
Safe and secure SureLoc™ System - easy to connect
Long shaft, double-sided and double reciprocating blade with total articulating range of 108°
Handy attachment hook for simple storage